Star Wars meets Tekken...

User Rating: 7.9 | Star Wars: Masters of Teras Kasi PS
Masters of Teras Kasi is the Star Wars entry into the world of 2-player fighting games. Traditional 3D action, reminiscent of the original Virtua Fighter, takes a back seat to the famous characters as they bash one another for supremacy in the squared circle.

Each has his or her own special abilities, from Darth Vader’s Force lightning to Thok the Gamorrean warrior’s Giant growth. And as a bonus, each comes packing heat, whether a blaster, grenades, or possibly the greatest, a lightsaber.

The story line is kept rather short and simple. Each character has a unique ending, after defeating all opponents in the Arcade mode. Some are just pictures, others are CG movies. While the fighting becomes just a rehash of repetitive maneuvers, the game does have an impressive soundtrack, which can also be played separately in a CD player.

Only true Star Wars fans will appreciate this game. Personally I have always loved it, being a fan of the Virtua Fighter and Tekken series, and a serious Star Wars nut. Sadly, I cannot give a rank based on emotional attachment, or it would be a mid-9. * * *