great game for gamecube. makes you feel like you are there. great 1 player mode and great multiplayer mode aswell.

User Rating: 8 | Star Wars Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike GC
well this is star wars and if you dont like star wars then there is something wrong with you. this isnt lightsabers or insignificant little hand guns. these are starfighters(the best of star wars) and its here on the gamecube and its great. you play as luke skywalker and wedge antilles and you fight the empire in space with the classic rebel fighters (x- wing, y-wing, a-wing and a few others). you play through missions that take place between the 4-6 epsodes. the 1 player mode is lengthy and fairlyy challenging at the end. and the multiplayer is famtastic but too short.

the graphics are 1 of the best on gamecube and the soudsn aer basically perfect and fit the game perfectly. the controls are also very simple and fit the game very well.

some things that let it down for me were the really bad camera angle when you play on the ground. actually when you arnt in the sky or space the gameplay is pretty bad. and 1 more thing is the way in which the way that 1 person can easily take out a whole squadron of empire starfighters that kinda ruined it for me.

overall the game made me feel as though i was there amd really gave me the feel of a starfighter. it is a fantastic game that would be enjoyed by people who arnt even star wars fans.