Awesome SW genre game! It has a nice storyline. 5.0 is completely unjustified here.

User Rating: 8.5 | Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - Ultimate Sith Edition PC
I was very heistant to get this because of the low score both from Gamespot and Critic/User Score. However, the prices for the game have come way down since it is an older game. I am glad I went ahead and bought the game. This game has great action with an rpg type element! I am biased toward the game genre because I love the Star Wars theme. However, this game does the series good, gives you a glimpse of the dark side, and an alternate storyline with the three "expansion levels" that come with this Sith Edition.

Now the bad. The game has some serious control problems with the Keyboard/Mouse. The biggest problem being Force Grip: it is extremely glitchy and/or hard to control with the mouse. Aiming to throw someone or something is a joke. An Xbox360 controller is really mandatory here and should be placed in the requirements section of the specs to run the game. Next, there are some bad glitches with the cutscenes. In my experience, there would be some horrible stuttering with the sound during the scenes despite that I have updated drivers for my computer. After patching the game with the official one available on the website, it helped to relieve some of this, but definately not all. Also, I experienced only one crash to desktop throughout my entire experience, but really, that's not bad at all. There is an auto saver in the game that saves in 3-4 different spots on each level, so you wouldn't lose that much if you did crash.

The game is short, but that's not always a bad thing. Expect up to 20 hours for this, and then there's replay, which you'll want to do some. Some of the levels are amazing, especially the boss fights.

Because of these problems, I gave an automatic -1.0 on my score. However, despite these issues, this game is really great! If you have an Xbox360 controller or plan on getting one soon, get this game!