This is an amazing flight sim, This game literally puts you in the cockpit of an Xwing and other ships...

User Rating: 8.5 | Star Wars: X-Wing Space Combat Simulator (3.5" Disk) PC
I have to admit, this is a great sim. Anyone who wants to experience what it's like to fly a Xwing, YWing, or Awing (And if you have the upgrade, the BWing). You literally fly inside the ship you need to fly based on the mission you are on. The game covers a wide range of missions, ships, and enemies, If you ever wanted to know what flying is space was like, or involve yourself in teh star wars series, this is it.

Okay, first off, this is a DOS game, but if you can put that aside, you will just love the graphics. THey did a great job with detail, even if there's no textures. If you ever get a chance to get up close to a Star Destroyer, you will see the detail they put into the ships. Even the mission where you fly through the DEATH STAR trench is very well designed.

Fantastic. There's a lot to do with this game. You can control the power output so you can get more energy into your weapons, shields or put all power to engines to make a quick get away. Plus, the enemies are pretty good at shooting you so you will need to stay on your toes when you fight Tie Fighters and Star Destroyers. And yes, you can destroy the Star Destroyers the same way as the movie. First destroy the energy domes that are on the tower to lower their shields and then just go full out on the ship itself and there you go. Not to say you won't be bomberded with lasers and Tie Fighters after shields are gone. The missions are very well managed and range from attacking and destroying to protecting and scanning ships. What I do like myself is that if the mission allows, you can bring copilots and wingmen to help you out.

This is just an amazing space sim. Anyone who ever wants to experience the best space combat sim of all time, this is the game to get. The only down side is that it only works in DOS mode. So if yous still have your old 386-486 SX-DX system, it will play great. Lucas Arts has made another great game.