Starbound 1.0 Review

User Rating: 8 | Starbound (Early Access) PC

I can see why some people don't like Starbound, because from a first glance it looks like Terraria IN SPACE! But it's actually way better then that, Starbound is like a budget No Man's Sky. You are given a large sandbox which is basically a the universe and you go around doing quests from people which are basically just "can you kill this think for me, and if you do I will give you this Lucky Bag with will have some shite in it" or "Grabs me 900 Core Fragments and you'll get this Lucky Bag with will have some shite in it."

Thsi game conisits of 7 races Humans, Avian (Bird people), Apex (Monkey Men), Floran (Flower People), Hylotl (Fish people), Glitch (Robots) and Novakid (FLAME CHILDREN!) (the Novakids are my personal favourite because... well they're flame children and HAVE TRAINS!) with a meh character creator, but also I saw something that made me laugh character creator; set your race to Glitch and then look at the Gender options... it's funny.

Okay so you've made your character and you wake up at community collage and finally you graduate and wont have to go to that stupid Spanish study group and finally become a real lawyer but when you go to grab the plasma cutter form Dead Space giant hentai beasts destroy the community collage and you successfully escape the hentai section on PornHub in a space ship, and if you chose right *cough* Novakid *cough* you will escape... IN A SPACE TRAIN! After the tentacle attack that's when the real game starts. I'm not gonna spoil the plot or remnants of a plot but it's just an excuse to explore the Universe.

Yeah, Starbound if a fun game about exploring and killing a giant penguin space ship, yes you can actually do that. I like this game, it might not be for you but you should at least give it a try if you have the money
