Appropriate ending to fantastic Series

User Rating: 9 | Starcraft II: Legacy of the Void PC

Ok. Where do i begin, perhaps at the point where this game made me feel compelled to write a review....

Now my audience, this will not be your traditional review. No Sir it will not. I am not going to delve down into the gears of the game, and bore you with the slight details of units and balance, for i think the vast majority of Starcraft 2 Players out there are more than likely far more experienced than I. Instead i am going to give a quick synopsis on the Campaign mode, broad brush story, and if a Starcraft fanboy was happy with the direction it took. Soo....

Starcraft 2 Legacy of Void punches you in the face straight away.....and that punch is a punch full of epicness. From the opening cinematic, to the story driven missions, with the development of Artanis's unbending will, the Protoss just ooze Epic. From there any die hard Starcraft fan will be hooked, line and sinker. This continues with each mission you play, each cinematic, each event that unfolds, you can feel with fantastic artwork, beautiful character development and voice overs that blizzard is giving Starcraft 2 LoV all the attention it, no Sir the series deserves. Starcraft LoV builds and continues to grow throughout the campaign, reuniting you with old favorites and new characters alike, with a few twists and turns to keep you guessing until finally you receive the closure that you have been waiting for. Some i have heard, may question the ending or how it all came to end, but without spoilers i thought it was appropriate, epic and In short answers a lot of untold questions. Yes...i sat there in my chair in some cinematic's, contemplating my existence, asking myself....why....why god could i not have been born a Templar, Protoss, the First born.

That's my review, Sure its a bit unorthodox, but hey who am i kidding....most of you are Starcraft vets and just want to know......does this game ive played for 13 years end the way i want it to...or am i going to be left with mass effect 3 syndrome all over again. My friends you will not be disappointed this game is not only excellent, it fulfilled my expectations and left a legacy of its own.