Another one of Blizzard's awsome games.

User Rating: 10 | Starcraft: Brood War PC
In this videogame you play as a Commander for 3 different races. A parasite like race called the Zerg. A human race called the Terran and an Alien race called the Protoss.
The Good
-The graphics were pretty good
-The campaign is long and hard
-The balance between the races is just perfect
-Cheat codes for if the game was too hard and you want to see the story
-New Units
-Doesn't have to be all action
-Internet Connection
-A game I have been playing for 8 years
-How Cheating reflects on a players actual Starcraft abilities online
The Okay
- the game is confusing at first but you will get the hang of it.
-The Heroes
-Campaign Editor
-In Campaign Editor you can do almost anything : From making a Terran Marine the most feared unit in your game to a teleportation spot behind a tree
The Bad
-only 25% of the people I know play Starcraft.
-Campaign Editor can be frustrating