Game Of The Century

User Rating: 10 | Street Cleaning Simulator PC
I have spent the last 20 years of my life driving trucks EXACTLY like this game depicts. the depth to which this game immerses the player is almost more real than my actual job! its addictive and educational. there is no feeling more enjoyable then knowing that you did a job well done. the game is: beautiful, enlightening, charismatic, challenging, dramatic, heart wrenching, and just plain good! the controls are tight, and work perfectly. the story made me cry, no joke, and the only other time i remeber crying in my whole life was when bambies mom died! never have i been so pulled into a game like this. i've already spent 1000 hours on this and i have no intention of stopping anytime soon. now that I own this game i will never have to spend money on another.goodbye Skyrim, goodbye Darksouls, goodbye Skyward sword, you were decent games but now you've been replaced I spent my whole life cleaning up the streets and now that i'm reaching retirement i can sit back in my cummfy chair, and play the best game ever made.