What can I say about a game that has it all! This game is like a hot chick who cooks and cleans - PERFECT!

User Rating: 10 | Street Cleaning Simulator PC
First words that come to mind, Oh My god (lower-case "g".) I have never played a game that has such a deep and rich story. Don't even get me started on the game play. I mean, the hell with Skyrim, COD, GOW, Borderlands 2, etc. This game is where it' s at. You would be passing up a major gem if you missed out on this fantastic game. I can't stress enough how awesome the game is. The developers of this game have truly spoiled us. Not only do we get to drive down a rich and crisp detailed street, but we also get to simulate the experience by cleaning it too? I could easily play this game for 8 hours a day, but the fact that it is so amazing, I feel like I don't deserve the awesomeness of this game. So I'm stuck playing crappy titles like Borderlands 2 and Dishonored. I think if they make a sequel my head would explode due to the fact that there is too much pure awesomeness in this title to make it better! I only have one more thing to add. PLEASE, Excalibur Publishing Limited, bring this spectacular game to consoles; possibly as a release title for the Xbox 720 and PS4. Although I don't think the consoles can handle the graphics and the smooth game play. Thank you for reading my review of this amazing game - now GO! and buy this one of a kind title, it is definitely worth the $50 price tag! Have fun, and enjoy! :)