Amazingly elaborate. Good transition to PSP. Sadly, just didn't did it. Bought, sold.

User Rating: 5.5 | Street Fighter Alpha 3 MAX PSP
I was a big fan of SFII as a kid, and I bought this with that in mind. I hadn't kept up with the embarrassing long list of games under the SF banner, and was surprised to see the elaborate evolution of what it has become. This game is, dare I say, TOO elaborate. There is enough on here to satisfy someone for the rest of your life.
I really liked the "Final Boss" Mode. Skip right to the main bad guy and see the ending in a fraction of the Time. Awesome.
Sadly, I just couldn't get into it. Maybe I've outgrown it, dunno. The play control was annoying. It's hard to do elaborate moves, and I'm sure it would come with more Time, but the end result of being a good player....not worth the invested Time.
If you are a fan of SF, well you already have this, so why are you reading this? If you are on the fence, then rent it.
Like me some SF, but this one didn't tickle my fancy. Had this come out when I was twelve, you wouldn't get a review because I'd be too busy playing the game and drooling over Cammy.