A good Street Fighter port to go with you!

User Rating: 8 | Street Fighter Alpha 3 MAX PSP
Street Fighter has such a nostalgic place in my heart that I'm pretty much attracted to anything that carries the SF brand on it, even tho I'm not any good at it, I still appreciate the fighting revolution that the game had in the gaming market.

For a portable version of the game it looks amazing, pretty much an arcade perfect port, if you can get a hand of the PSP controllers you will have a great time. You can even match online fights, but I didn't had any luck finding someone in the servers to play the game these days, so I can't really comment on this functionality.

There is a big collection of characters that you can play with and I did find it pretty challenging on some fights, took me forever to be able to beat M. Bison, but again, I'm not a great SF player. I'm really happy with this title and to know that I'll be able to pop this game in a have a good fighting session whenever I'm strained in a waiting room. Highly recommended to fans of the series, and it quite deserves a re-purchase even if you have a console version of this game.