For a game that focuses on multiplayer its very disappointing that the online does not work

User Rating: 5.5 | Street Fighter III: Third Strike Online Edition X360
weve seen and played this game alot before but the main reason to get this game again is online play, and its sad to say that the online does not deliver. ranked matches never works unless u stay hours retrying to connect to a match it is highly unlikely u will be able to join a game. same can be said to the player match there are serious connecting issues tho it is not a much as the ranked matches. also note that uploading videos to match does not work currently u get an error that servers are down ( u will get used to receiving errors messages in this game). And recently there was a patch for this game that did not fix anything but added the option to upload videos to youtube but surprise surprise this feature does not work also.

it is wiser to no buy this game and wait for a patch that actually fixes the online problems.