Mario in glasses-free 3D is beyond awesome. :)

User Rating: 9 | Super Mario 3D Land 3DS
Super Mario 3D Land is an all new adventure from Nintendo starring none other than Mario and debuting in November 2011. It's a great game with lots of color, fun and imagination. It should bring joy to the most hopeless and helpless faces. Mario has to save the princess again and like the usual, you have to go through 8 levels to save her. I'm actually at the last castle but you need a certain amount of Star Coins to access it so I haven't beat it yet.

But the game is grand. Color comes at you from every angle. The music is outstandingly catchy. Besides the fire flower one, there are two other suits in this game. One is the Tanooki suit which makes its return from Super Mario Bros. 3. You can't fly with it but you can glide. The other suit is all-new to the series and overall, is cool and somewhat useful.

You *definitely* will have fun. Isn't that what's most important anyway?

Rent or Buy? Buy.

Final score ------> 9/10

written solely by Darksongbird