All around, pretty terrible. Multiplayer games are mostly boring, the single-player campaign is boring at best.

User Rating: 5.8 | Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz WII
I should say out front that I bought this game solely for it's multi-player party mode. I wanted a fun, simple game, playable when alcohol and/or pizza are involved. I obviously wasn't looking for mind-blowing graphics, amazing sound, or depth and complexity. Pure FUN was the #1 factor here.

Well, what a disappointment this steaming pile of monkey turd turned out to be. Of the 50 or so multiplayer games, so far I've found maybe 3 or 4 that I'd want to play more than once. At least 10 are so repetitive and un-fun that we were forced to quit half way through. My entire city is completely sold out of the nunchuck attachments, so I haven't been able to try any of the games that require it. Maybe there's some hope there, but I'm not holding my breath.

In any case, I'll say it again. The mini games are mostly terrible, for so many reasons. Some are repetitive, some are impossible to control, others just too easy, and most just not very interesting.

I totally fail to understand why this game is getting such glowing reviews. It's awful. Hold out and wait for something better.