One of the best puzzles games I've ever played.

User Rating: 9 | Super Monkey Ball GC
Super Monkey Ball - A series that changes what they word "puzzle" truly means.

Gameplay - You send a monkey in a ball around a platform, trying to send it into a goal. What makes this unique is that you move the platform, not the monkey! Very neat, indeed.

Graphics - The applying of sand sprays, water imprinting, and PLATFORM REFLECTIONS (Beginner Ex. 3 omg) are very awesome-looking and give the game that extra boost while playing.

Sound - The SFX are very fitting and the music is very nice. Techno is very good for this game, but there are some problems with it. Let's say, the song plays for a minute, then it loops. When it loops, it's silent for about 0.25 of a second. That's not good. Not horrible, but not good.

Value - Many can find this to be very difficult, but as long as you choose Baby, it's fine. Playing by moving the platform has never been this fun!

Reviewer's Tilt - I love this game! I have over 60 replays saved on my memory card, and I watch them often. The levels are more fun than those on the other games in the series, but it's not the best of all of them. Still a very good game, though.

Score: 9.0 - Superb

If you quit playing this game out of frustration, yeah, nobody likes you. j/k ^_^