Rolling monkeys around in balls YES!

User Rating: 9.1 | Super Monkey Ball GC
Super Monkey Ball is a very clever game the whole concept is for you to roll a monkey in a ball to wherever the goal is. What seems like an easy concept is a very challenging and very hard game there are three diffaculties all together there are 90 stages in the entire game. The beginner level has 10 stages that you will beat easily. Then the advanced level has 30 stages and may take you a while to complete. Once you beat the first two levels then you will have to conquer EXPERT LEVEL with a whopping 50 stages good luck with that. There are also mini-games that can be unlocked by completing stages on one of the three stages I just mentioned. If you don't like those you can play the three party games Monkey Race, Monkey Targetm and Monkey Fight these games are great for partys. The graphics are very good and are still pretty good considering this was one of the first Gamecube games. Sound wise this game is okay the music gets somewhat annoying but other then that the game is great sound wise. Overall Super Monkey Ball is a great game that is even better for partys so go buy it now!