Not my favorite game. but ive played this game more then any other game in my life.

User Rating: 9.2 | Super Monkey Ball GC
this game is very highly addicting. you play as 1 of the 4 monkeys trapped in a ball and you have to roll around in many nice looking levels. the game can get quite frusterating the higher the level you get up to. the multiplayer and the minigames is the part you probally will play the most. the multiplayer is fun cause you get to see who can beat the level the fastest. there are also mini games you can play multiplayer. games like monkey flight, monkey golf, monkey bowling, monkey billiards (my favorite), monkey race and monkey battle. the music in the game and the cries when the monkeys fall of get annoying. and i mentioned you will get frusterated. this game is a must buy for the game cube.