An Amazing Fighting Game for the Player on the Go!

User Rating: 10 | Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition 3DS

When it comes to fighting games, the "Street Fighter" name might not have invented the genre, but it definitely perfected it! With lots of characters, several special moves for each of the characters, dozens of different locations, and awesome music to listen to, it's definitely easy to see why and just how the "Street Fighter" name has managed to endure for as long as it has. :idea: Now the game-play of "Street Fighter" comes to life as it never has before; in fully-rendered, stunning graphic, artistically beautiful 3-D game-play! Not only are the backgrounds rendered in impressive C.G.I., the characters themselves now also are displayed with 3-D bodies! Thankfully, Capcom didn't dare mess with a good thing, as the fights remain on a level 2-D plane, the car smashing and barrel smashing bonus stages are back, there are impressive combos to pull off, and every single fighter is unlocked right from the start! :D Old favorites like Ryu, Ken, Chun-Li, E. Honda, Blanka, Zangief, Guile, Dhalsilm, Balrog, Vega, Sagat, M. Bison, T. Hawk, Dee Jay, Cammy, Fei Long, Akuma, Rose, Gen, Sakura, Dan, Cody, Guy, and several new fighters add to the diversity and mix of a great game! :) The cool thing about this game is that every character has a cool, little Anime animation story that explains the reasons why they're fighting, and a brief story of what happens if the character manages to beat all of their opponents. There are many different achievements available for the earning, so it is sure to keep fans of "Street Fighter" coming back for more! :!: I highly enjoyed playing this game, and I recommend it to anyone looking for a smashing good time! 8) Enough said, true believers! ;)