this game has a great style....some people say it was a rip?? well im really not sure? here is my review and some QnA's

User Rating: 9 | Super Street Fighter IV PS3
OK i am gonna start this review with the very first and most asked question "is it worth the money?" well my thoughts? "YES!!" others say no no no it wasn't.... well i guess you have to look at it like this.. the street fighter franchise has always been making a "super" and a "turbo" almost every street fighter games they have made...even on the refrigerator size arcade games it has always been like that for ..i dont know how long..anyways thats there tradition peoples say its a rip off well thats your opinion plus it cost only 39.99 instead of a usual 59.99 ...and here are some frequently asked questions and my review

1. "do i start off with all charectors or have to earn them AGAIN?
answer:no lucky no you dont need to do all these get 2 ultra finishes and 5 perfects.. and never die.....thingies, its all there for u. i still have all the costumes that i bought for the original game?
answer: yes they will be added when u sign in online on your new ssfIV game.

3.will they be making a super turbo street fighter 4?
answer: im pretty sure thats a no i dint think that will be happening there wont be a super ultra turbo street fighter 4 gold edition super pack coming out.

i like the games style of art like the one before the new lvls are absoloutly beautiful and the new ultra combos will have you screaming "SHORYUKEN!!"
aver all its a good game except some story are absoloutly lame ( not to say anyones name *caugh ibiku caugh*) and one thing that kinda ticked me off was that when i saw the trailer for the new costumes i thought they came with the game.... i didint know u had to buy them.....that may have been common sense to some people but it kinda ticked me off.....soo good game.... id recommend it where any gamer looking for a fighting game.