Having SSF4 on the go is amazing, 3D or not. 'Nuff Said.

User Rating: 9.5 | Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition 3DS
I was on vacation and in a weak place; I had no way of getting my Street Fighter fix.

I had no idea what to do. We were staying at a loosely civilized area of central Michigan, and an epiphany in the local Wal-Mart's electronics section hit me.

Super Street Fighter 3D.

I didn't know if it would be as good as the 360 version I'd spent more of my life than I'd care to admit playing. I just knew it was there. All I needed to do was plop down the requisite $300+ for the game and console.

It was done without a second thought, and in retrospect, without regret.

Capcom knocked this out of the park, or at least as much as they could with a portable fighter. As far as the roster/ balancing issues, from what I can tell there are no noticeable differences between the console release and this. Right down to Cammy's TKCS, it's all there.

The biggest problem is the control scheme. Playing on a pad is hard, but playing on a DS is a nightmare. Luckily the touchpad can be converted into several useful button combinations, which actually works surprisingly well. Focus attacks, or remapping shoulder buttons is a breeze, and it's responsive enough to get the job done. You can even switch to lite mode and map special moves to the pad, but I'll judge you forever for this weakness.

I've since had a chance to take it online, and this is a little more of a mixed bag. I can say if you're a serious SF fan, you will probably want to make sure you don't allow people who use the "lite" control scheme in, unless you use it yourself. Charge moves being usable with the press of a button, including Ultras, opens up some imbalances and abusable techniques on the roster which can get annoying. Of course, it's still counterable, but it definitely makes it harder for those playing without this.

Otherwise, my online experience was great. It was smooth, and thanks to the good connection I had, wholly lag free. I was very impressed.

If anything, having access to practice mode is excellent. You get the chance to work on your link timing while you're away from your game. I feel like this has actually helped improve my play just a little when I sit down for serious business in front of my TV.

I could also see it being great for new players. Having the option to map specials helps take some of the execution frustration out of the equation. However, you're not doing yourself any favors by doing this ;)

Overall, excellent port of a great fighter. This is how a portable fighter should be. Highly recommended, and I'm glad I got a 3DS for this title. ;)