Ehhh.... Not as horrible as Superman 64, but still not what I expected.

User Rating: 3 | Superman Returns X360

My 84th review after Gran Turismo 5.

Okay, when I played this game at my friend's house, I find this game is not as horrible as Superman 64 but is still not good at all. So this game gets an E--. Here's the results:

Voice-acting 9/10: The voices are excellent!

Game-play 3/10: At least it's not like Superman 64, but however it has a large city to explore. Unfortunately there's nothing much to do and there's also not enough mission objectives, which makes it rather boring, and the boss battles are frustrating.

Graphics 10/10: At least the graphics are colorful!

Controls 2/10: The controls are not good at all! Just frustrating!

Sound/Music 10/10: It has absolute terrific soundtrack!

Lasting Appeal 3/10: Nothing to describe.

Overall, Superman Returns: The Video Game is pretty boring and not so good at all.

The Good:

-Has a large city to explore

-Terrific soundtrack

The Bad:

-Boring game-play due to having lack of interest to do in the city

-Frustrating controls and boss battles

-Lack of mission objectives

So the bottom line, this game is not as horrible as Superman 64, but isn't really that good at all like I said before. It's just rather boring. This game is also based on the movie and I don't really care about games based off of movies. Good day everyone!

Superman Returns: The Video Game gets a 3 out of 10!
