Silly name, free download, worth playing.

User Rating: 8.1 | S.W.I.N.E. PC
SWINE is an unexpected find. The full game was recently release as a free download and it's more than worth your time to get it. The game's sound and graphics are great for the period and good for today, the game play is fun although at times it's a little off balance.

It's simple tactical combat, Rabbits vs. Pigs. Whatever is left of your army is used as the basis of your army for the next game.

The only real detractions from the game is that the AI's pathfinding is pretty bad. Frequently units will decide they are blocked and try and take the long way around, usually through enemy territory. This ends up getting them killed.

Or two units will head right for each other and rather both veer to their own right or left, they'll enter into complex maneuvers of backing up and turning and generally just get in each other's way.

The other issue is some levels can be a little annoying as enemies appear off the boarder, are invisible, but will continue to attack you. It's rare and you can get around it, but it's a knock against it.

Minor points aside, its a fun way to spends a weekend or two. When you consider the quality of the game and the fact that it's free, there's no reason not to download it.