decade of dominance

User Rating: 9.5 | Tekken 5 PS2
you go in a ship and shoot other ships...other ships....nah im joking lol im describing that neat minigame you play thats a nice feature, but on with the game

tekken 5 the 5th game in the series, i havent played a tekken game before but now i have and its awesome, its also original how you use 2 sets of buttons for upper attack and lower attacl, better explanation you use X and O for left kick and right kick, and square and triangle for left punch and right punch, its easy too, and the characters are likeable.

now lets gets to the characters, il say my favorite first, julia chang, nina williams, asuka, and jin kazama, oh and lili.

whats also awesome is that you can play through arcade history of tekken 1, 2, and 3, but only in arcade mode like play as any of the characters beat some other ones and call it a day.

the customizations are awesome too you earn fight money through arcade mode to get customize items for the tekken characters so you can fondle around with them and make them look more awesome or just funny looking

tekken 5 is just awesome and worth it