I wouldn't expect such a bad spin-off from Tekken series...

User Rating: 4.5 | Tekken: Nina Williams - Death by Degrees PS2
Bad controls... It's such a thing that many many many potential games ruined by that factor. Unfortunately, Death by Degrees is one of them...

You play as Nina Willams from famous Tekken series, with a cheesy movie story which she gets the lead role this time. I like her a lot in the Tekken series, and seriously she can pull of her own game since her background is interesting. The game itself looks great, graphics are total eyecandy, and music just fits it perfectly... But gameplay...? That's when you'll start to regret of purchasing this game.

You fight with your right analog stick. Wherever the enemy is, you have to tap it to that direction to successfully attack. Sounds good, but so hard to do and so complicated. As I said before, controls and fighting system totally ruins the game. If we could just fight with the regular X, O... buttons, it could be a game to get an 8.0 from me. And no doubt, it'd definately spawn some sequels.

If you're not a Tekken or Nina Williams fan, you'll probably won't enjoy it. Or even if you're fan of both (like me) there's a great chance you still won't enjoy it. (like me)