This game combines the sandbox element of Minecraft and the combat aspects of games like Castlevania and is awesome.

User Rating: 9 | Terraria PC
Terraria is a cute little Indie game made by Re-Logic. Despite its lack of a third dimension, Terraria adds alot of depth to the second dimension. The game has you start out with nothing but a few tools to help you start out. After establishing yourself, you will find many biomes such as a jungle, desert, and the corruption. These biomes are very unique and contain all sorts of treasures to find. The creatures in each biome differ alot, so variety is present in the attack styles of each creature. There is much more to be explored in the game, but spoiling it for the people who haven't played it would take away from their own personal experience. All in all, this game does a great job of combining platforming, exploration, and combat into a single 10$ price tag. Having over 115 hours played, that money goes a long way.