It would have been nice to be in one of those staff meeting involving the game...

User Rating: 7.5 | Test Drive Unlimited 2 PC
- Can I build a massive network of highways and make the player race his Veyron in some narrow, twisty backroads in the middle of nowhere?
* Sure.
- Let's make the licence tests be something that have nothing to do with racing and could easily be replaces with quick-time-events.
* Sounds good.
- How about car physics that are not from this world?
* Fantastic!
- I really liked Battlefield 2, could we also put in impenetrable bushes and twigs?
* Absolutely.
- Is three varied lines for the race announcer a bit too much, we only have like a hundred races?
* I think so.
- Could we have a reward system that gives player peanuts?
* I like that.
- How about the freeride mode, hidden objects and the rest of the extra material?
* Nah, let the intern worry about that.
* Everybody, we really need to focus on the story.

If only the intern would've been more involved.