Just Too Many Bugs to Overcome

User Rating: 1 | Test Drive Unlimited 2 PC
Briefly - I love the game concept, plenty of cars, chances to meet people, and some gambling if you're so inclined. I pre-ordered the game from Steam and couldn't wait to re-visit TDU. Your inability to fix the multitude of bugs has gotten ridiculous, if not worse. We were supposed to be able to roam the island as we chose; competing and bonding with others around the world only to find that we can't start a simple race without being disconnected or dropped from the servers. The patches... don't get me started. The servers, however, are so horrible that it's almost impossible to get anything done without being disconnected, dropped, etc. I've been so very patient, but after yet another race/ time trial/ poker game crash due "unknown server error" I've just had enough.
Are you listening?
Do you care?
Your game is unplayable and you should be ashamed of yourself. You released DLC before you even fixed the host game and now the entire TDU2 universe is just so much glitchy garbage.
Shame on you, your greed, and your complete disrespect for gamers.