:same rock band :ok songs

User Rating: 7 | The Beatles: Rock Band X360
im not a big fan of the beatles.this is only the same rock band it is only with ok songs on it.but this is the next step in rock band games.im not a big fan of beatles but if you are a huge fan of the beatles than this might be the right game for you to buy(or rent)i do agree wit one of the reviewers this does have some boring songs on it.you can have this im only telling you what i think of this game the other rock band's were good but this one is ok.this is kind of boring but it might not be to you.this game might be really awesome to you.you can have this you dont have to listen to people who say this is bad.im not telling you that it is bad to everybody im just telling you what i think of this game rock band beatles 7.1 out of 10 other critic say it is good so you can buy this game.but this is not the best rock band ever made.and thats all i have to say.