This game lacks so much.

User Rating: 6.5 | The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian X360
Okay This game isnt good. I only got it cause it was $7.50 Whats annoying is whats supposed to be a fantastic action game is just a puzzle game. There are only a few realy good action sequences, tons of repetition, and it just doesnt feal right. The graphics are good but graphics mean nothing if the game sticks.
There are some things to enjoy though such as the amount of people tou play as, The few good battles, and it has Co-op.
My biggest complaint is the grappling hook. It is a pain in the neck o use thet thing and the worst part of that is on the last level and on one of the last bosses you have to use it to bring rocks falling on him. There realy is no reason to get this game unless you want a game to get gamer score and have somthing to play with a friend,

Game play: 5/10

sound /music 8/10

graphics 7/10

Highly recomend skipping out on this game unless you find it for realy cheap.