High Voltage Software attempts to make a shooter that stands with the best - Call of Duty and Halo. Does it deliver?

User Rating: 9.5 | The Conduit WII
It is a pretty good game for the Wii. They built the engine from the ground up. Yes, the storyline is dull, but the online is exceptional for a Wii game (before the hackers). It is easy to tell they put a lot of effort into it. It probably doesn't deserve a 9.5, but it doesn't deserve a 6.5 either. It has a lot of different customizable options, including appearance, as well as HUD. The AI are not very smart, which makes it easy to go through, but it is still an engaging story, besides the dull commentary/loading screen.
The online is probably the most exciting part about the game. It is not too difficult to become familiarized with the plethora of maps and guns to use. There is no sniper, which is slightly disappointing, but there is an array of other weapons. The alien weapons are quite invigorating. The many different modes that the game boasts is also quite advanced for the Wii system.
The game is a split between all the big shooters, namely Halo and Call of Duty. Although it doesn't live up to the reputation that those games hold, it still can hold its own against other shoddy first-person shooters.
It deserves at least an 8/10.