Taking from such classics as Viewtiful Joe and Devil May Cry, The Dishwasher : Dead Samurai is hardcore fun.

User Rating: 9 | The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai X360
Dishwasher : Dead Samurai is a 2d side-scrolling (very) mature action game.

Fast paced action broken up by stylized comic storyboards marks the majority of DDS. The art work is gritty and dark perfection. Gameplay will keep you on your toes during rather hectic battles. The low key gamer need not apply.

DDS follows a standard formula of using items dropped by enemies or found to purchase upgrades for weapons, life, and skulls. Each weapon having its own particular use and leaning toward a certain style of combat. Weapons are aquired by defeating various 'bosses'. Skulls are used for 'Dishmagic', which is your typical screen filling destruction.

Story is told through comic style 'storyboards'. While it starts out quite interesting, does falter a bit toward the end. Art work has a very nice goth/cyberpunk feel to it and yes there are BUCKETS of blood to be had.

Gameplay is FAST. You can not rest during a fight. You take the time during your 'clean' or 'messy' kills to plan your next attack. That being a bout 2-3secs. The combo possibilites are ridiculous(ly fun).

Single player has Story, Arcade and Dish Challenge all of which have online ranking boards( Story only on the hardest difficulty which must be unlocked).

Multiplayer is where this game takes a hit. The ONLY Live multiplayer is Arcade mode and there are NO rankings for it. Local multiplayer fares much better with co-op story mode. Up to 3 people may play locally. Third player using a guitar controller. Yes a guitar controller. There is also a system link option for those who just hate sharing a screen with someone else.

The music in this game shines. James Silva did a very good job creating a sound track that not only rocks but gives a great sense of the atmosphere he wants you to delve into. Sound effects are your standard hack n slash n shoot fare with most bad guys announcing vocally in one way or another the kind of attack they are about to smack you with.

James Silva and Ska studios made a fantastic game. At 800ms points this is a must buy for action game fans and pretty much anyone that likes Samurai's and blood.

Oh and "The dishes are DONE man!"