Evil within

User Rating: 8 | The Evil Within XONE
Started playing this game and was really enjoying it how ever i got caught up with other thing and never finished it off! How ever seeing the reaveal trailer for evil within 2 at e3 got me excited and i finally decided to finish the game off. Overall it is a solid game thats always full of intense gameplay and full of atmosphere! Your character sebastian is pretty hard to controll and moves around slowly making it feel abit dated in the gameplay department but then it also goes to the games advanatge aswell considering it makes it really intense at times The story was abit weak i felt as it was abit hard to firgure out what was going on and hard to follow! But straight up its a great survival horror game always scavanging for ammo and making every bullet in the game count. Especially when it came to the bosses wich is also a great part of the game many different boss fights and all of them are intense and satisfying to beat! The one other down side to this game is it has weak graphics! They came across as very blurry and alot of the time the environment was pretty bland but that was covered up because the game is really dark in general! Over all its a solid game with a few flaws and after beating it im excited to play the second evil withon later on this year when it comes out. Its worth an 8 out of 10 at least on my opinion.