this game have added a whole new perception of playing chess with a little bit of fantasy.

User Rating: 9 | The Eye of Judgment: Legends PSP
first of all i didn't know what to think of this game when i first played it because they give you this field which consist of 9 parallel squares 3 squares in each row and that sure made me think this game would be like playing tik tack tow some how which if you got three squares covered you win but it sure were not that simple because you actually use monsters and spells to take control of more squares than your opponent and you should take at least 5 squares to win the game but that is not simple when your opponent constantly battling you and there are no way out other than you fighting back the field is to small and does bring you frustration sometimes but that's only part of the fun when you come up with a new plan or strategy to over come your opponent and be victorious as always your opponents get stronger each time you progress and as always you don't i don't know why and the cards are just to expensive so you can't just buy a whole lot of 'em but you do get new cards each time you win against an opponent and you can play any time against your defeated opponents to get more cards but what i really hate about this game that the story mode is to short with such a great game they should have added more opponents in the end i do hope to see another release of this great game.