A far fetched attempt at a card game, Eye of Judgement lacks everything this type of game genre needs

User Rating: 4 | The Eye of Judgment: Biolith Rebellion (Complete Disc) PS3
I bought this thinking there'd be some sort of story mode/campaign to play through, I was wrong, The Eye Of Judgement has no real aspect that would make you pick it over a Yu-Gi-Oh Gameboy Gamepack, especially since Yu-Gi-Oh would be 40 pounds cheaper

0/10 Storyline, There is none, nothing, nada, nought, I don't know why they thought "Yeah, let's just not add any sort of story, that'll help sales rates and the customer's enjoyment" it could of given you an incentive to play the game

5/10 Gameplay, while monsters and human/elf warrior/mage things popping out of your card is actually very cool, and the attack sequences are good, after the part where it takes you about 10 minutes to get the camera in the right place on the mat, then another 10 minutes to get the camera to actually configure the damn card

1/10 Online, The creators of this game couldn't of thought this through for more than 2 minutes, it's extremely easy for people to cheat and pull out all their best cards, the cards that you can print off of the internet out of plain A4 paper that the camera can actually configure it and make it a card, so basically everyone can have the best cards at the exact time they need it, but I'll give them a mark as there is actually a form of online play, horrifically awful or not

General Summary: I wouldn't reccommend it, but if you just like playing a simple card game then it might be worth your while, hell atleast it has trophies, which most 2007 released games don't have, I'll give them that