Fits very well into the weirdest year in human history

User Rating: 6 | The Last of Us Part II PS4

I don't think it's as bad as a lot of people say it is, but I didn't have high expectations for it either. The producer is really shady and dubious, and there is evidence that Druckmann mislead the audience with his 2019 trailer.

The game is obviously tainted by token gay characters in this LGBTQDFKKLSJFLKSJ era we're in. Dina serves as "that gay girl Ellie fell in love with", and I didn't care for her at all whatsoever throughout the game. Same goes for many other forgettable characters in this game. And a lot of the decisions on story development are just plain weird, like why would I care to play as the character who just killed the all-beloved Joel? The ending is confusing as heck too. I don't get it.

The gameplay is quite fun for the first 12 hours, but it gets extremely repetitive and boring after that. It would have worked better 6-7 years ago, but you can tell the gameplay is a bit outdated for 2020.

Graphics are really good, although sometimes the character animations are a bit quirky. Sound effects are of course on point as it always has been in this franchise, along with beautiful music. But the music doesn't really work with the weird story.

The way to save this game would be to cut the entire second part of it - so skip straight from the first to the third - and redo the ending so most people are satisfied. The second part is the most unnecessary weirdest garbage I've ever played.

Graphics: 9
Sound: 9
Gameplay: 6
Story: 3