So frustratingly difficult it will drive you insane

User Rating: 4 | The Legend of Korra XONE

The sound track is solid and it's cool to hear the voice actors of the show in game.

It's a good looking game but totally uninspired. The environments lack originality and get boring to look at after a while because it's all the same thing.

Game Play:
Pretty simple button mash game play. X/Y to attack, Counter and dodge buttons as well. It's decent enough to play, I have no real issue with it. Reminds me a lot of the game play from Tron: Evolution, Another game I really enjoyed playing.

Very weak plot that doesn't even come remotely close to the quality of the show. So frustratingly freaking difficult that you will rage quit several times, It's the angriest I've ever been playing a game. Pro-Bending has a lot of potential and can be quiet fun at times, Could be a nice, competitive online mode. Very short campaign that is pretty much point A to point B, There's no exploration of the rich world that is Avatar and that's disappointing. Beautiful animated cut scenes.

Overall: 4/10
The short campaign that is over before you know it and the insane difficulty curve as the biggest issues I have with the game. There's so much story in the Avatar/Legend of Korra world that it's impossible to tell in just 8 short chapters and 1-2 minute cut scenes in between. If the campaign were longer and the plot richer, It'd be a much more compelling game to play. Also, I'd kill for a patch that fixes the insane difficulty on this game, It makes it almost unplayable.