While this game has some annoying parts, it is truly a piece of art.

User Rating: 9 | The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks DS
Gameplay: The Legend of Zelda has a truly amazing and genuinely fun gameplay, for the most part. You play as Link and embark on a journey to save the world. To control Link, you use the stylus, which grants you the ability to do different things, from walking and attacking with the sword, to even using special sub-items and controlling Princess Zelda to help you solve puzzles. The gameplay is truly varied and fun. The sub-items all help you in different parts of your quest, and there are many of them; for example, the bow, or the bomb. All sums up for some really fun and challenging puzzles. The only sub-item which was annoying to use was the spirit flute. What bothered me about it was how complicated it was to get some songs right. To control the spirit flute you blow in the mic, and while the mechanic is innovative and works fine at first, it later becomes really complicated to do, because the mic controls don't work well. I don't know if it's the game or the fact that the 3DS's mic is too sensitive, but at some points of the game, the game wouldn't register when I stopped blowing right, and since some songs require good timing, this resulted in some parts of the game taking me over 2 hours to do.
Another main part of the gameplay is navigating with your train. This can help you move through the overworld into different places. While many people were skeptic about this mechanic at first, I can assure it's a lot of fun, at first. The train parts get a little repetitive later on, with having to fight enemies very often and sometimes having to take long routes to reach your destination.
There are also some sidequests, but they aren't as fun as the main quest.
Overall, the gameplay's great, except for the flute parts.

Presentation: The presentation for this game is among the best in the console. The graphics are really nice, following what Zelda Windwaker did with its cel-shaded characters, and while they obviously can't look like they did on the Gamecube, they're done pretty well in here, and make the game really colorful. It looks like a beautiful watercolor painting.
The sound is also great, with some themes that will make you feel things. Like in the overworld theme that gives a sense of freedom and happiness. The soundtrack is amazing.
Overall, great presentation.

Story: The storyline in this game starts off pretty good. You are Link, likely a descendent of Wind Waker's Link, and you are about to become a train engineer. There's a ceremony when someone starts being an engineer where they have to go to the princess's castle to be acknowledged. However, things go wrong, and a conspiracy turns out in Zelda losing her body, and you embarking in a journey together with a ghost Zelda to recover her body.
After that, the story becomes a little weak, but near the end, it gets better, bombarding you with some awesome plot scenes. Some of the scenes near the end nearly made me cry.
Overall, I have to say the story in this game's just amazing. It makes you feel many emotions, and the character development is actually really well made.

Replay Value: While there's replay value in this game, it's mainly some boring sidequests and the multiplayer. Unfortunately, this game lacks Wi-Fi, for a strange reason, but it's still enjoyable and has some stuff to make completionists come back after beating the main game.

Fun: The amount of fun I had with this game varied depending on where I was. Solving the puzzles is a truly amazing and rewarding experience, and the boss battles are challenging as well. The train parts could be less repetitive, but they're OK. The only thing that really bothered me was the flute gameplay, but the rest of the game definitely compensates for it.

Overall: This game is amazing and a must buy for any DS owner who likes adventure games and fun. The story is touching at some parts, and the graphics and music just emphasize it more, to make the experience truly magic. This game's a piece of art.