User Rating: 7.5 | The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (Limited Edition) GC
I preface this review by saying that I finally finished Metroid Prime in HARD mode a couple of days ago. After about 8 hours into Wind Waker I must say that the game has an absolutely gorgeous style to the graphics. A lot of careful detail went into this look and it shows. Unfortunately the game is not very challenging and it’s the same old gameplay of any Zelda game. I just finished Metroid Prime (3 times) one of the most incredible games period and I am not going to sit through a Gamecube version of Ocarina of Time which is what WindWaker is. Nothing incredibly exciting except for its style. Metroid Prime had me on the edge of my seat the first time I completed it, WindWaker has me asking myself "didn’t I already do this…and just recently".(Especially if you played OOT on the GC bonus disk). If you’ve never played a Zelda game before then I truoly recommend it, you probably will enjoy WindWaker. It truly is a nice beautiful game although again not challenging. I just don’t think it’s anywhere near the next great Zelda game. The cel shading does not bother me, its just this gameplay was done already many years ago, except this one now runs at 30fps. Who cares? I think Metroid Prime has really ruined it for me. That’s what I expected from the next great Zelda game, a challenging one at least. I suppose we will have to wait for the GameCube2 console to come out before we see the evolution of Link and Zelda. Then again maybe I need to log in more hours of gameplay into WindWaker…somehow I don’t think it will matter…although it will still be fun to watch the beautiful graphics.