This is one of, if not the best, video games every made. It was, and still is the best twenty dollars that I ever spent.

User Rating: 9.5 | The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (Limited Edition) GC
The Legend of Zelda. Everyone has played it before, but never quite like this. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker is an incredible addition to the chain of games that we all so know and love. Taking place many years after Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, this game tells you that Ganon broke free after Link sealed him away and threatened to destroy the world just in its opening sequence. The Hero of Time didn't return to help the people, so the goddesses flooded the world to keep Ganon away from the triforce. This is where Wind Waker's ocean comes from, with Hyrule's mountaintops being its islands.
Fairly quickly, you'll get a sword, and boy is the combat awesome! With some experience you can learn to "dance" around your enemies swinging at them from all directions. This is also the game that introduces the move where you can roll sideways around your enemies and slash them in the back, which is so cool that it's almost unimaginable. You may also learn an optional move during the game that lets you, after you charge up your spin attack, go crazy spinning all over the place and killing everything in sight. Unfortunately, this move is rarely used in combat because it takes such a long time to charge up, gives you little control of where your spinning, and makes Link temporarily dizzy for a few seconds afterwards. Very useful in large fields though.
The bad guys in Wind Waker are really quite fantastic as well. They include cartoony, re-imagined versions of some of your favorite enemies in the other Zelda games like keese, redeads, and wizrobes. The best are the redeads. They make the OoT redeads look like wimps! For one, they're not blind, because they lift their heads up and stare at you with glowing eyes if you get close but not close enough for them to paralyze you. If you do get close enough, then they unleash a completely original, elephant like wail that makes link shake all over, and they're much creepier this time around because they actually look like zombies, not reanimated lumps of mud.
Now, I know that in the Phantom Hourglass video review it said that most people hated sailing in Wind Waker, but I disagree. Yes it can get a little tiring if you're sailing long distances because the ocean is immense, but for maybe ten minutes at a time, it is actually quite enjoyable. The ocean and panoramic islands are very picturesque, and you can always entertain yourself by keeping on the lookout for sunken treasure. Plus, you'll eventually get a song which lets you warp to different spots on the ocean, which reduces the sailing time if you're in a rush. If you get bored, look around islands to try to find some of the many hidden secrets. Sailing at night is not quite as fun, though. The music stops playing to leave you to listening to your boat glide through the waves and wondering what lies in the darkness (which is mostly just a slew of annoying enemies). It could have been a little more fun if you could actually move and fight at the same time on the water, but every time you pull out an item, your sail goes down, so it's fight or flight, with no in- between.
The dungeons in this game are not quite as challenging as the ones in Ocarina of Time, but they are creative and provide an interesting and entertaining experience. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for the boss fights at the end. Okay, I'm exaggerating. The boss fights are great. They all are a blast and are very creative, and you beat them in some very interesting ways. For example, one boss is a gigantic, fat ghost. You shine a light on him with the mirror shield until he becomes solid, and then you throw him at a spiked pillar on the wall. He then splits up into many different little poes running around franticly, and you pick them off one by one until they rejoin into the fat ghost. Then, you just repeat the process until all of his poes are dead, but bosses' difficulties are a little weird. I had the hardest time beating the first two bosses, while the final boss was downright easy. The boss that I just described was lots of fun, but not much of a challenge, until I realized after the battle that had I taken another hit I would have died. I know that this is very minor, but Nintendo took away the titles at the beginning of every boss fight. I know that this just me ranting, but those were cool! This is made up for, though, by the awesome introductions at the beginning instead.
The items in the dungeons themselves are a whole different story. Few of the items are just used once, and most can be useful in combat. The Wind Waker itself is just a remake of the Ocarina of Time, and it does not have many songs, but it does have just the bare necessities to make it one of, if not the most, useful item in the game. By far the without a doubt best control, though, is the c-stick. It gives you complete and total control over the camera, so it's easy to see wherever you want, whenever you want. You will never get hurt because you couldn't see an enemy again!
Another great thing about the game is that it is hilarious. Everything is just funny! From the beginning cut scenes to the combat, you'll find yourself chuckling with delight at the many comical elements that Wind Waker has to offer. Okay, time for some examples. For one, if you hit a lantern in a moblin's hand, the seat of his pants will catch on fire, and he'll run around clutching his scalding butt. Whenever a poe finishes possessing you, it leaves with a ghostly "Goodbye", And if you go back to a lady that you gave pigs to as a side quest early on later in the game, you'll find that the black pig has eaten all of the other ones and gotten fat, FAT, FAT!
I found basically no glitches in this game whatsoever, but that isn't the best part. Want to hear the best part? This game is fun and I mean really fun! Every moment that I spent playing this game was a blast, but not so much fun that it was crazy addicting. It's just a game that is fun to play for basically any amount of time. All in all, The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker is one of the best games out there to date, even though it's not the best, you get WAY more than your money's worth for this outstanding addition to one of Nintendo's most popular franchises.