Great game for a first attempt at a Move game.

User Rating: 8 | The Lord of the Rings: Aragorn's Quest PS3
The Good: Utilizes the Move controls † Good Story that adds to the Lord of the Rings Universe

The Bad: Clunky and unresponsive controls † Inerrant sounds can give the gamer a headache.

Story (10/10): Narrated by Sam Gangees, the story is geared more toward children with the way it was narrated. They did a wonderful job tying it in to the main story by including many of the main characters. Even Golem had a cameo, calling out to "My precious!!" When a quest is lost, Sam says something like "And then our heroes were felled in battle." Then he quickly changes his mind, saying "Wait a second… that's not what really happened… this is!" and then the game would load from the previous check point.

Graphics (8/10): The game had a beautiful display of art and design. It displayed each individual blade of grass. Sometimes, however, there were screen tearing issues, as well as issues where I saw what appeared to be "freeze-framing", where a crowd would stutter across the screen.

Sound (7/10): Most of the time, the game sounded the way it should. The sounds of the battles and the ambient sounds sounded like they were real. The characters sounded like the real ones from the movies. Finally, the score was some of the best music in video games. However, what killed it for me was this annoying popping or clicking sound whenever the characters walk or run around. It drove me nuts because I had never heard those kinds of sounds.

Gameplay (6/10): Plain and simple, the game was ported from the Wii to the PS3 after Move was announced, and so it was rushed. That's my biggest problem with the game. I mean, it's truly a great first attempt at an action-adventure that uses the Move controls. However, rushing the game caused the controls to feel clunky and sometimes non-responsive. Sometimes swinging the controller doesn't make the character swing his sword the way you want.

Closing: It truly was a great first attempt at Move controls. Its many flaws, however, made it difficult to forget it was only a port.


Overall: 8/10
Story: 10/10
Graphics: 8/10
Sound: 7/10
Gameplay: 6/10