Fans might want to give it a try, but don't expect to get far in this game so easily.

User Rating: 5.5 | The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring PS2
I was never a fan of the Lord of the Rings franchises, but this game could of been way better for the fans out there. I received it as a Christmas present in 2002. I never really liked this game all that much.

The presentation starts off with a story that's based on the film and the book. You first play as Frodo to try to capture the ring. There isn't really much to say about the story, but sometimes cut scenes begin to appear in several parts of the game.

The graphics are pretty much average in the Playstation 2 version of Lord of the Rings. They look passable, detailed, and somewhat colorful. I never noticed and graphical glitches or
frame rate drops. Overall, the graphics are pretty decent, but not very realistic looking.

The music in this game isn't going to sound mind blowing, but they kind of sound a bit childish. The music in the beginning of the game is just soft, relaxing theme music. It sounds nothing like the film. Overall, the music isn't really all that great.

The game play is very disappointing to most Lord of the Rings fans. There is barely any action and fighting in this game. Most of the time, you basically either find specific items for other characters and sneak up on enemies. Like everyone else, I had a lot of problems getting past the man on the horse because you couldn't see him in the dark, and I kept of getting caught. Frodo doesn't have any special weapons either. All he can do is pretty much walk, use a stick, and throw rocks at things.

Overall, this game is not very appealing to fans and non fans alike. Fans might want to give it a try, but don't expect to get far in this game so easily. This game starts off easy at first, but getting past the horse man is very difficult.

the good- graphics are decent

the bad- bad music, boring and uninteresting game play

graphics- 7
game play-4
lasting appeal-5

Overall 5.6 rounded to 5.5 out of 10