10x better than first.

User Rating: 7 | The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers PS2
Lord of the Rings:The Two Towers is a good game. The combat compared to the first Lord of the Rings is sooooo much better. The guys you face act more realistic and the graphics for the time it came out were stunning. The game play is awesome as you follow through JRR Tolkien 2nd novel. This game follows the 2nd novel and movie beautifully and makes it seem like you are apart of the whole story. A few things wrong about this game is the levels do get somewhat repetitive. Another thing is that somehow the story mode seemed too short for a huge novel and i would of expected more out of the game. Overall Lord of the Rings:The Two Towers does a much better job than it's original in every category and it is a fun game to play that has good combat and great visuals for the time it came out.