Gets strange at times, but quite fun once you get into it.

User Rating: 7.5 | The Lost Vikings PC
So I borrowed this from my friends a long time ago and played all the way into the mechanized levels and then gave it back. I just bought it from them (they have it on a console as well) and now I'm trying to get back into it. So far I'm just really trying to get the gamepad to work... the auto gamepad system tends to slide around quite a bit after you stop moving. I'm going to try to map it and somehow stop it from reading my gamepad.

Gameplay: 8
The levels in this game are fairly complicated and must have taken a pretty long time to design back in 93. You control your three vikings, Baleog, Erik, and Olaf, each of which with very different abilities, through 2-dimensional mazes which are often taller than they're wide. Baleog can shoot and slash, Erik can run faster, jump, and head-butt, and Olaf has a shield he can put up over his head to block projectiles from above, give Erik a platform to jump off, or hang-glide down when he falls. They all have commentary that can range from humorous to completely random, and if one of them dies there's no way to complete the level.

There's a small pickup system consisting of mostly food. If a Viking eats something, his health is restored (I believe by one point, it's been a long time since I really played this.) There's also some sort of armor pickup that gives your viking an extra point, and a smart bomb.

Most of the time you'll be doing your scouting with Erik or Olaf, and then sending Baleog in to kill whatever strange little enemy you find (and they can be very strange). Olaf is supposed to be the slow tank, but he makes a good scout because of his invincibilty to most enemies and his hang-gliding ability. Erik gets shot too easily, having only a pathetic attack and no real defense except jumping over the shot, which isn't always easy. Baleog is better when he's shooting from behind Olaf's shield.

Graphics: 8. Unlike Gamespot, I'm going to rate this game for its time instead of how it plays nowadays. The graphics really look pretty good...

Sound: 7.
The first song seems broken, but it's not... it's just very strange. The sound effects are okay.

Value: 4.
This is something that you do rate for nowadays. This game is extremely rare and hard to find for PC... a bit more common for the genesis. Expect it to be overpriced if you do happen to find it.

Tilt: 8. Overall, a fun and worthwhile game if you happen to find it for cheap somewhere (or own a genesis). It's pretty satisfying to get all three vikings all the way to the end of the level... One Last Note: I'm not sure when the Sonic franchise started, but an enemy in the prehistoric levels looks a lot like it could have been the inspiration for Sonic. As best as I can remember, it's a little caveman with big blue hair that looks like Sonic's, which attacks you by rolling at you in a ball.