Five amazing games, one box. What more can you ask for...

User Rating: 9.5 | The Orange Box X360
Half-Life 2, Episodes 1 and 2, Portal, Team Fortress 2. The Orange Box. Five games in one box. Not only is this deal the greatest in gaming, but the games are completely amazing!

Half-Life 2, a first-person shooter from 2004 that, with it's prequel, helped revolutionize PC gaming. As protagonist, Gordon Freeman, you'll arrive in City 17 to a brutal Combine oppression. The soldiers of the alien Combine are your main adversaries, along with all of the beasts they side with. From Striders, long-legged, towering creatures, to human's turned zombie by "head crabs." This is a very unique FPS in terms of gameplay and graphical enhancements. The game looks amazing on the 360, as it did on the PC and the core gameplay is interesting, blending intense action, stellar character design and AI, and even some puzzle aspects as well. It's a very well-developed game and doesn't even show it's age in terms of graphics. Alone would be a must have!

Next is the other add-on, not new to the package, Half-Life 2: Episode I. It follows the same recipe that it's prequel had and still pulls it off successfully. This is a direct follow-up to HL2, following Alyx and Gordon as they try to escape City 17. It's quite short with only five chapters, though, it does get intense around the last couple areas of the game. Definitely worth playing!

Half-Life 2: Episode II. The new Half-Life component to the series and the Orange Box. It delivers a VERY intense Half-Life experience, even more so than it's predecessors! The most high octane action in the Half-Life series to date, in my opinion! As Alyx and Gordon travel to White Forest, outside of City 17, the Combine are hunting them with a vast number of reinforcements. You'll meet the Hunter, a fast and powerful Combine. Also, the Advisor shows himself, as a powerful telekinetic Combine. The adventure decently long packs a big punch! Easily recommended!

Portal is a really funky puzzle-based adventure. As the silent protagonist, you'll be put through various tests by the Aperture Science Research Facility with your Handheld Portal Device. You have to figure out these puzzles, using portals as your main tool. The game sets new boundaries for physics and is incredibly funny! Shouldn't be passed over!

Lastly, the crazy, fast-paced, ridiculous, class-based multiplayer port, Team Fortress 2. It uses cartoonish graphics that fit the game perfectly and are backed up by good gameplay. The game is genuinely fun, but is pretty heavily team-based. Working together is key to winning the game. The games performance is sometimes very off with a small amount of lag, but under a good connection, is amazing. Master a class and team up to dominate your adversaries in TF2!

A ten is more than able to justify how good this package really is. As it is now over a year old, for only $20.00's, without a shadow of a doubt, a must buy!!!

Gameplay: 10/10
Graphics, Game, and Character Designs: 10/10
Story: 10/10
Voice Acting: 10/10
Replay Value: 10/10