The Order: Waiting for Sequel

User Rating: 7 | The Order: 1886 PS4

The Order: 1886 is a beautifully created cinematic game with a very inventive, alternate history setting. This dark version of London seems to be invaded with supernatural creatures; werewolves, vampires and their half breeds; Lycans. It reminded me very much of Underworld, except set in a different timeline with matching weaponry. I enjoyed my time playing with the various amount of guns and didn't feel the game was repetitive. It never really 'dragged out' or kept throwing the same mechanics at you. I did hope to see these supernatural beings more often, considering I spent most of my time fighting regular human guards (About 90% I'd say?). The game did however offer astonishing graphics, the duration of the cinematics did not personally bother me. I enjoy the feeling of 'playing a movie'. I got invested into the characters, whom are voiced excellently. Sadly, the ending was rather dissapointing. It ended abruptly, on a point in the game where I did not expect it. It left me with so many questions unanswered, leaving an opening for a sequel, but stealing from me the closure I needed. I enjoyed the game for as long as it lasted, received my copy in a ps4 bundle for free. I would personally not say it is worth the full price of €60,- .. but if you can get it any cheaper, by all means!