People nowadays don't appreciate anything!

User Rating: 9 | The Order: 1886 PS4

I wanted to write a review because people nowadays judge a game NOT on gameplay-sound-graphics but If it has multyplayer or is long enough... I must say this is a SHORT game and expensive to buy. BUT... This is a must play for any gamer! It's by far the best concept-graphics-sound game I played lately and maybe the only ACTUAL NEXT GEN title at the moment. Graphically this game is outstanding. There isn't anything similar out there at the moment. By far the best looking game. Coming to the sound and concept. Great acting great script. Excellent sound recreation of guns etc. Gameplay? There is a lot of movement and not shooting. This sometimes takes out of the excitement but I honestly feel they did this because they wanted to make it a more cinematic experience. I personally loved that. I'm a kind of gamer that loves GRAPHICS and walk around that virtual world and look around - admire the effort put into those graphics. The shooting and button pressing part is very good. People shouldn't compare this to other shooter-games (gears of war) because this is a different thing. The devs wanted to make you feel and fallow the story not focusing on killing and killing and killing! I can go on and talk about this game for hours but I don't want to spoil anything. So, I honestly believe this is a MUST PLAY for any gamer. FORGET that this is a short game. Play it through and then you will realize how good this game is. My biggest plus is that if they managed to create such an excellent game (but short) , what devs might do in the future?! This game is the start of the real NEXT GAME consoles. Other games don't come close to this. It's expensive for the hours of gameplay you get but that doesn't make it a bad game. It's unfair to give it a low score because of that! Try it - borrow it from a friend and you will realize that I'm right!