1MG - The Order: 1886 - ONE MINUTE REVIEW

User Rating: 7 | The Order: 1886 PS4

The Order: 1886, A world so visually stunning that it fills you full of excitement for the journey ahead.

Its just a shame that we don't get to have much part in it.

The world in which we have found ourselves is absolutely breath taking, using a level of graphics that have set a new bar in console visuals, if Ready at Dawn have done anything right, they have definitely brought the industry one step closer to what the PS4 is truly capable of .

But in an effort to do one thing better than any other game before it, The Order accomplishes very little outside of its visual attributes, garnishing the question of whether or not it was all worth it.

The story and characters are layered with an atmosphere that does the visuals justice, the voice acting is deep and real, with no attention to detail lost, its just a shame that the majority of our time is spent being shown a game that lures us in with its beautiful appearance, but ultimately leaves us unfulfilled with questions left unanswered and an ending that might as well have said in bold white writing, “To Be Continued”

The enormous surplus of cut scenes is quite possibly this games largest downfall, you spend such a long amount of time viewing what can only be considered an ensemble of short films, that at points you actually put down the controller. Throw in a single Quick Time Event and its almost as if the game is trying to make sure you’re still there. This in turn severely affects the pacing of the story.

Overall, despite having great mechanics, a good selection of guns and plenty of opportunities to use them, in a variety of changing environments. This game is worth picking up, but only when it drops in price and if you do give it a go, than we suggest that you play on a harder difficulty to lengthen out the actual gameplay.

The Order didn't quite hit the mark, that is unless you were looking for a good movie to watch.
