Next-gen is finally here. Too bad it's over before you know it.

User Rating: 7 | The Order: 1886 PS4

The Order: 1886 is the first game I have played on the PS4 of which I can say that its graphics are truly next-gen. The game looks absolutely gorgeous; at times, you feel like you are watching a movie. Every single little thing has been polished to near perfection. Some have criticized the game for the black stripes at the top and bottom, but I did not notice them at all, and if that is what it took to make the game look the way it does, it was worth it a hundred times over. And not only does it look awesome, the load times are practically non-existent, and I have not encountered a single glitch! Unfortunately, while the wrapping is shiny, the content is somewhat lacking. The Order is, basically, a cover shooter, which is a very odd choice of genre for such a cinematic game; one would expect it to focus on melee combat. The latter is present, and looks pretty awesome, but takes the form of...quick-time events. That's right, what serves as the culmination of a battle in most games, IS the battle in The Order. There are also stealth sections where you take enemies out silently, and they are pretty cool, but also regrettably short — which can also be said about the entire game. The Order ends just when it begins to get really interesting, and that is its biggest problem. I knew it was short before I bought it, but I still did not expect it to end on such an abrupt note. I have a suspicion that that is not how the game studio planned to end it, either, but at some point they realized that they had bitten off more than they could chew, and making the game any longer would simply be too expensive. Still, even this unfinished effort is very impressive, the first game to truly showcase the PS4's capabilities.