Brief But Brilliant

User Rating: 8 | The Order: 1886 PS4

Take the main review with a pinch of salt; this is a great game. Sure, it's not the lengthiest title going, but The Order: 1886 doesn't deserve such bad reviews based on it's length (which isn't actually that bad considering it's a very story driven action game - not an open world RPG!)

Obviously, the visuals are absolutely stellar, making this one of the best looking games so far on the PS4 - clothes/materials hang realistically and are affected by the world around them, reflections and textures look great - this is a very pretty game.

The Order also runs really well - throughout the whole campaign I was aware of no freezing, glitches or slowdowns.

Basically, if you love a good story and a fun few hours playing through some cool locations with some awesome cutscenes - go for this game. Stay away if you can't stand not being in control of the game at all times and are more concerned with levelling and games that are far too dragged out!