The Punisher has had worse games...

User Rating: 4.5 | The Punisher: No Mercy PS3
The Punisher: No Mercy is another Punisher game, but, this time, it's a first-person downloadable PSN-only title. Personally, I didn't enjoy the Punisher's previous games, and this game is no exception. The graphics are only OK, curse words are overused, there is too much blood, it's shallow, has terrible voice acting, it's too easy, it uses an overused engine, and it's very buggy. Hey, at least it has a good price, and it had a lot of potential. Anyway, let's go....... TO THE CHART!

-Good price
-Has lots of potential
-Fun online play
-Interesting game modes

-Too easy
-Graphics only OK
-Curse words overused
-Too much blood
-Terrible voice acting
-Uses an overused engine
-Bad campain (Only four levels that are poorly constructed. The plot of the story is very bad too.)

So, overall, it gets a 4.5. Skip out on it.